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Iron will broadhead

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Iron will broadhead

Postby Fridaythe13th » 04 26, 2018 •  [Post 1]

Has anybody heard of or used this new broadhead. Looking for reviews buy fellow hunters. Not sure if anybody wants to drop $35 for 1 tip plus the added cost of the arrow and lumanock, That's $60 a shot.
Let me know what you think.

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Re: Iron will broadhead

Postby Roosiebull » 04 26, 2018 •  [Post 2]

I think they are the best head on the market, most forgiving head I have shot, really great edge retention, and well constructed.

I shot one into a target a bunch, never did dull it. Shot one into an alder, after I cut and dug it out, it looked new, and still shaved hair without effort.

That being said, I will still shoot Magnus, I have 100% confidence in them, Mike is a really good guy, and cannot justify switching.

I think the quality of iron will is overkill, but if you want the very best, they're it.

I cannot switch heads when my Magnus heads go through a bull, come out sharp, and shoot really well for 1/3 of the cost. Mike has built the type of business I like to support
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Re: Iron will broadhead

Postby Elkhntr08 » 04 26, 2018 •  [Post 3]

I can buy 2 dozen Stingers or ViperTrick for what it’d cost to fill my quiver with Ironwills. They look good, but I’m not seeing them in my future with so many good heads out there. Guess I’m lucky, I’ve never had a head “fail” on me. Put it where you’re supposed to and they do the job.
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Re: Iron will broadhead

Postby Brendan » 04 27, 2018 •  [Post 4]

Fantastic design - was basically an engineering experiment on how to make the best broadhead possible, and the guy supposedly can't sell it cheaper or he'd be losing money on them.

Tests on it from everyone I've heard have been pretty superb. There were some people who said the vented design was a little loud, but there's a solid design that it supposed to solve that that's even stronger. Only downside is the cost if you lose one...

I did pick some up, but no experience shooting with them yet (Still waiting on my hunting bow)
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Re: Iron will broadhead

Postby Swede » 04 27, 2018 •  [Post 5]

I loose three to five arrows a year. If I was shooting broadheads that cost over $33 a piece, it would be a big waste.
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Re: Iron will broadhead

Postby Roosiebull » 04 27, 2018 •  [Post 6]

Brendan wrote:Fantastic design - was basically an engineering experiment on how to make the best broadhead possible, and the guy supposedly can't sell it cheaper or he'd be losing money on them.

Tests on it from everyone I've heard have been pretty superb. There were some people who said the vented design was a little loud, but there's a solid design that it supposed to solve that that's even stronger. Only downside is the cost if you lose one...

I did pick some up, but no experience shooting with them yet (Still waiting on my hunting bow)

the vented do have some noise, but no more than my magnus ser razors. what is really special about iron will is their edge retention, and forgiveness, quite amazing.

I couldn't dull one shooting my reinhart to where it wouldn't shave, after a bunch of shooting, and they are dang near as forgiving as field points. I do think they are the perfect head.

it's not even a cost thing to me, I rarely lose a head, my only holdback is I like magnus heads, they have never let me down even slightly, and I really appreciate the business mike built with magnus many years ago, maintained the level of customer service he has, all while keeping the price down. he has went out of his way to help me out without asking, and I just cannot ditch a company like that without any logical reason.

I do appreciate ironwill heads for what they are, and have some experience with them, I couldn't help myself buying a pack, and they were better than I thought they would be.

I shot one into an alder, after cutting and digging it out for a half hour, it looked brand new, and still popped hair off my arm, still razor sharp, that's impressive.
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Re: Iron will broadhead

Postby Fridaythe13th » 04 27, 2018 •  [Post 7]

Thank you for the replies. ..
Roosiebull did they fly the same as your Magnus? Or would you have to sight the bow in again for the 2 different broadhead.
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Re: Iron will broadhead

Postby wawhitey » 04 27, 2018 •  [Post 8]

Roosie, how would you compare the sharpness between ironwill and magnus? I suck at sharpening, and want something wicked sharp out of the box. Just recently bought some rad broadheads but havent even opened package yet.
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Re: Iron will broadhead

Postby Roosiebull » 04 28, 2018 •  [Post 9]

the flight- like I mentioned, they are super forgiving, and they hit with my field points before my magnus heads do, and magnus are a very forgiving head. I have several different heads at my house, and while broadhead tuning, I will not quit until they are all hitting the same spot, ironwills are the first ones to group with my fieldpoints, before I get my bow fully tuned, and they don't show flaws in form as much as any head I have ever shot (some are better than others, like magnus is great with this too)

WaWhitey, ironwill are insanely sharp, out of the package, they are as sharp as any head I have had in my hand, and much sharper than most, one of the huge assets is their edge retention, they are also harder to dull than any head I have handled.
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Re: Iron will broadhead

Postby Swede » 04 30, 2018 •  [Post 10]

You just have to love these new broadheads. For only $200 you will have enough to do what $60 worth of other sharp accurate broadheads have done for many years. Of coarse the expensive broadheads will kill elk even deader. :D
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Re: Iron will broadhead

Postby CurlyTail » 04 30, 2018 •  [Post 11]

I have six ordered, but not yet in my possession. I went with the 125gr. non-vented heads.

I do not go through a bunch of arrows or broadheads. I might lose one or two a year, since I only bow hunt elk and turkey, no deer or pronghorn for me (yet).

We lost a Bull about 3 years ago with a hit to shoulder blade - man did that make a loud thump when it hit - and I have been trying to maximize penetration in my arrow set up ever since.

I am also a Magnus fan, but these Iron Will Broadheads look like a premium broadhead with no expense spared on materials or manufacturing. I hope they are as sharp out of the box as advertised. I also listened to the owner/inventor on the Gritty Bowman Podcast - and the guy impressed me as sincere and honest in his attempt to make the best broadhead he can, with profit not the motivating factor. That is the kind of attitude I would be happy to support.

Elk hunting is indeed an extravagant expense for me. Arrows/Fletching about 16.00 each, Broadhead at 33.00 each, Lighted Nock at 10.00 each. Lets just say I wont be flinging my Elk arrows at any grouse next season. Stumps are safe too. I feel that we spend all this time(the biggest expense) and money on quality gear. I am not about to get cheap on the Broadhead.

Still no guaranteed that I won't wound an Elk someday - I just want to be able to feel like I have done everything in my power to optimize the lethality of my set up.
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Re: Iron will broadhead

Postby Roosiebull » 04 30, 2018 •  [Post 12]

Swede wrote:You just have to love these new broadheads. For only $200 you will have enough to do what $60 worth of other sharp accurate broadheads have done for many years. Of coarse the expensive broadheads will kill elk even deader. :D

I hear ya, that is why i'm not veering from magnus, but these heads are imo, worth the high price tag. think of all the money spent by elk hunters all year, what's another couple hundred bucks to have the best heads money can buy? like I said, it's not a cost thing to me, they are worth it.

I could get by for at least a couple years on 6 heads, probably many more, just keep sharpening them, they aren't a one and done head. in the defense of ironwill, broadheads are a place people shouldn't skimp, they are a very important part of the equation. if you want a head that comes out of the other side of an elk still shaving hair, they are worth it (the vast majority of heads will no do that, and that means the ironwill will cut better through the entire body cavity, not dulling on hide, hair, or bone like most) if you are shooting from a weird position, and your form isn't perfect, these heads will do as good as any hitting where you are aiming (again, far better than most) the design is excellent for penetration and doing damage.

i'm still very much happy with magnus, they always do their job, and I can switch around the weight of my heads (100gr, 125gr, 150gr) without feeling like i'm wasting a bunch of money, I don't need to or feel the need to sharpen them, a couple for foam, and the rest for hunting, if one gets dulled on an elk, I don't need to sharpen it to get my monies worth, and like I mentioned, Mike has went out of his way on numerous occasion without asking to help me out and answer questions, and I cannot ignore that, I like supporting businesses like that.

I see both sides, and cannot say either train of thought is right or wrong, but buying ironwill heads is not dumb, or a waste of money, and it's no worse of a deal than me buying magnus heads for a 1/3 of the price. the price of ironwill heads is very justifiable, all you have to do is sharpen them when they dull, and in the long run, they are as cheap as any head on the market, and you will have the very best broadhead money can buy. they certainly aren't a ripoff.

I spend lots of money throughout every year in preparation for hunting, it's all justifiable to me, I fish and hunt for recreation, and do it a lot, so I like nice stuff, so it's not a big deal, chip away at the costs as I can afford them, I don't drink or gamble, so all extra funds go towards fishing and hunting, I could easily create a little extra funding for broadheads if I wanted to switch, and it wouldn't be spending money just to spend money.

if I was willing to shoot over 50 yds at a healthy critter, they would even make that much more sense how forgiving they are, as well as their excellent penetration traits when your arrow gets out there and loses some steam.
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Re: Iron will broadhead

Postby Swede » 04 30, 2018 •  [Post 13]

I have talked to pros about broadheads. At least the ones I have visited with will tell you the pros and cons of different ones. Only people with an agenda will say this or that one is categorically the best. Penetrates best, most blades to cut, sharpest, most accurate, strongest...... I have never had an elk or deer get away wounded due to poor broadhead performance.
We hear these discussions about guns, calibers, fishing rods and reels.
If these Iron Will broadheads are not clearly the very best in several ways, how can anyone justify buying them? I think it will be a tall order to prove they do anything significantly better than any similar good broadhead. These discussions/debates have been going on since the Indians were knapping broadheads out of obsidian.
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Re: Iron will broadhead

Postby Elkhntr08 » 05 01, 2018 •  [Post 14]

I’m sure they’re a good head, you can read about them on any forum out there. Most of the threads are started as self promotional. I think they’re another designer head that charges $30+ each.
I too have had outstanding customer service from Mike at Magnus. That means a lot to me.
I agree not to cheap out on any piece of critical equipment, but I don’t think you need to drop $100 on a box of broadheads. It is a nice box. Drop the box a cut the price by a third.
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Re: Iron will broadhead

Postby Fridaythe13th » 05 01, 2018 •  [Post 15]

What's the price going to be next year? I see last years $100 broadhead " solid legend " is going for $80. My other big question is, most quality heads are $30-$40 for 3. In the last couple of years it jumped to a $100 bucks for the "best". What happened to $50-60, is it the quality of steel or just a gimmick for the people that like the latest and greatest and have to much money.
I agree with Elkhntr08 get rid of the box once the heads are on my arrows thats were they stay. The box just hit the burn pile.
Thank you Roosie, I just want to hear from a elk hunter. All the reviews as well as yours are it's a great broadhead.

With all the pros and cons I STILL WANT TO TRY ONE.
Maybe the price well come down.
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Re: Iron will broadhead

Postby Swede » 05 01, 2018 •  [Post 16]

Friday, you are hitting on one of my concerns. Up through the mid 1990s you could get a 6 pack of high quality broadheads for under $20. Prices were creeping up. Along came some titanium shaft broadheads and their price doubled everything else out there. The materials were supposedly very expensive. Soon after that the packages were cut to three but the prices remained double. Every broadhead manufacturer followed the trend, but the titanium broadheads are now gone.
Sure other prices have all gone up a little with inflation in that time, but they have not quadrupled since 1996. The broadhead prices are still four times what they were back in the earlier 90s, and the packages of broadheads are exactly half of what they were.
Don't worry, the fancy box will soon go away, but if you buy their broadheads the price will stay. You will get a new tamper proof plastic package, and if history serves as a window into the future; if you look real carefully in the lower right corner you will see, "made in China". Same great product at the same great price. Well almost the same product. The steel will be different, but by that time it will be called "knife grade", and the cycle will start over.
BTW: In 1976 I could buy twelve four blade stainless steel broadheads for $7.57 or twelve two blade chrona ss broadheads for $3.95. Twelve precision ground tool steel broadheads were also $3.95 per twelve. So back in 1976 broadheads were $0.32 each. Now we have people willing to pay $33.33 each for them, and we will defend the ridiculous price? Of coarse, let me not forget the new ones are "designed for elk".
A new compound bow was $97.50-$110.97 bare. Target models were $144.97.
And if bows went up as much as broadheads proportionally they would cost $10,000 or more, and pickup trucks would cost over $500,000. Just ask yourself where the greatest developments have taken place? If you look at the Iron Will bHs and those vented blades made in 1976, it is a no brainer. The inventor of the IW BHs says he spend years developing what has been around in good order longer than he has.
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Re: Iron will broadhead

Postby CurlyTail » 05 09, 2018 •  [Post 17]

I just got mine in the mail yesterday.

First impressions - they are very small and compact, which should be great for penetration. They impress me as looking very rugged (thick short blades). The edge shaved hair easily, and I even cut the tip of my finger checking the sharpness - very impressed with the sharpness out of the box. Have not had a chance to shoot them yet. They actually look a little bit like the arrowheads that the Indians used, just a little sharper.

I am making up some new arrows - a bit heavier, with more weight up front. Cant wait to get them going. Black Eagle Spartans , with the stainless steel inserts and 75 grains brass insert weight up front. Will let you know how they turn out. Definite overkill for sure, but if I wound a Bull with my set up I want to be able to feel that I have done everything to maximize Lethality - which means penetration in my book.
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Re: Iron will broadhead

Postby Fridaythe13th » 05 09, 2018 •  [Post 18]

Keep me updated Curlytail.
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Re: Iron will broadhead

Postby Roosiebull » 05 09, 2018 •  [Post 19]

Swede wrote:Friday, you are hitting on one of my concerns. Up through the mid 1990s you could get a 6 pack of high quality broadheads for under $20. Prices were creeping up. Along came some titanium shaft broadheads and their price doubled everything else out there. The materials were supposedly very expensive. Soon after that the packages were cut to three but the prices remained double. Every broadhead manufacturer followed the trend, but the titanium broadheads are now gone.
Sure other prices have all gone up a little with inflation in that time, but they have not quadrupled since 1996. The broadhead prices are still four times what they were back in the earlier 90s, and the packages of broadheads are exactly half of what they were.
Don't worry, the fancy box will soon go away, but if you buy their broadheads the price will stay. You will get a new tamper proof plastic package, and if history serves as a window into the future; if you look real carefully in the lower right corner you will see, "made in China". Same great product at the same great price. Well almost the same product. The steel will be different, but by that time it will be called "knife grade", and the cycle will start over.
BTW: In 1976 I could buy twelve four blade stainless steel broadheads for $7.57 or twelve two blade chrona ss broadheads for $3.95. Twelve precision ground tool steel broadheads were also $3.95 per twelve. So back in 1976 broadheads were $0.32 each. Now we have people willing to pay $33.33 each for them, and we will defend the ridiculous price? Of coarse, let me not forget the new ones are "designed for elk".
A new compound bow was $97.50-$110.97 bare. Target models were $144.97.
And if bows went up as much as broadheads proportionally they would cost $10,000 or more, and pickup trucks would cost over $500,000. Just ask yourself where the greatest developments have taken place? If you look at the Iron Will bHs and those vented blades made in 1976, it is a no brainer. The inventor of the IW BHs says he spend years developing what has been around in good order longer than he has.

Look at those same heads from the early 90's compared to the quality and engineering of today's best heads. Materials have gotten better, designs refined, as well as manufacturing.

Take a small business like iron will, all of the R&D, the low volume manufacturing, and the materials used, I don't think he could sell them much cheaper.

Them gaining popularity in this environment with tons of good heads modestly priced is telling. Lots of inflation since the early 90's too. A few years ago I had a 92' Toyota 4x4 pickup, the window sticker was still in the glove box, just over 12k!

I bought the equivalent to that this year, also brand new, but the window sticker was just over 38k. Things have changed since the early 90's, my old Toyota pickup did the job too, always got me to where I needed to go, just slower, not as smooth, and despite having double the horsepower, I get better fuel economy with the new one ;)

Just like broadheads, inflation, plus better technology and materials, the price goes up. It's not a big deal, plenty of great heads still moderately priced
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Re: Iron will broadhead

Postby Kentrek » 06 21, 2018 •  [Post 20]

I made the switch to the iron wills and justified it pretty easily

I'd replace all the blades on my slick tricks prior to season....I'd replace all my heads about every 2 years just from rust....start adding up the cost and the price difference isnt really much of an argument over the course of a few years...so if price is the same which head would you choose?
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Re: Iron will broadhead

Postby Fridaythe13th » 06 22, 2018 •  [Post 21]

Ken. How do they fly. Just like your fieldtips or the same as the old broadhead. Or are you one of those lucky one the it doesn't matter what head you shoot they all fly the same.
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Re: Iron will broadhead

Postby Kentrek » 06 22, 2018 •  [Post 22]

I will let you know when I get them ! Better fly dang good lol
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Re: Iron will broadhead

Postby Fridaythe13th » 06 22, 2018 •  [Post 23]

Kentrek wrote:I will let you know when I get them ! Better fly dang good lol

Lol I hope so. Should put a GPS chip in them. Lol
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Re: Iron will broadhead

Postby Elkhntr08 » 06 23, 2018 •  [Post 24]

Well..........my 6 new heads showed up a couple weeks ago. They sure do fly good. Can’t wait to put one in an animal, any animal. The dogs are making themselves scarce.
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Re: Iron will broadhead

Postby Old school » 06 26, 2018 •  [Post 25]

My problem is this - I'm a value buyer. Didn't say I buy the cheapest, I buy the best value. This past "off season" our local Wal-Marts clearanced their Mossy Oak inflictors "powered by slick trick" they are a slick trick 4 blade 100 grain broadhead in a different package - according to slick trick. 3 pack of them for $7 I believe it was. I bought 9 packs of them - 27 broadheads for under $70 so I figure I'm good for a few years on broadheads now. I just cannot justify the crazy high price for "designer" broadheads when I spent $2.50 each for a great broadhead.

I've also got a bunch of Magnus I bought way back. 125 grain non vented 2 blade when they were still Magnus - $25 for a 6 pack.

If someone else wants to spend their hard earned money on Iron Will's, more power to them, it's their money and their choice and I'm sure its a premium broadhead. Now if they claim they will penetrate and pass through the front shoulder on an elk, you're now talking something totally different, a value add and product differentiation.

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Re: Iron will broadhead

Postby Elkhntr08 » 10 22, 2018 •  [Post 26]

Not very happy at this point. A 15 yard shot on a WT doe and the tip is bent.
We’ll see how good the warranty is.
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Re: Iron will broadhead

Postby Fridaythe13th » 10 23, 2018 •  [Post 27]

That's a perfect one to check the warranty on. Keep us posted if it goes good. Maybe hit a rock after a pass through. Was it a good blood trail???
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Re: Iron will broadhead

Postby Swede » 10 23, 2018 •  [Post 28]

Elkhntr08, those broadheads are designed for elk. There is no warranty when you shoot at a WT doe. I suppose you did not know broadheads would be designed for a specific species. :lol:
BTW: I buy my broadheads like Oldschool does. I will watch Malwart this winter and pick up some more if and when they are on sale.
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Re: Iron will broadhead

Postby Elkhntr08 » 10 23, 2018 •  [Post 29]

Fridaythe13th wrote:That's a perfect one to check the warranty on. Keep us posted if it goes good. Maybe hit a rock after a pass through. Was it a good blood trail???

Not a rock in the entire woods. Stuck straight into the ground, it was a 15 yard shot.
Only blood I found was on 2 trees that she pinballed between. Not a drop where she fell and spun around. Guess it’s my fault cause I shot a WT doe!
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Re: Iron will broadhead

Postby Fridaythe13th » 10 24, 2018 •  [Post 30]

Elkhntr08 wrote:Only blood I found was on 2 trees that she pinballed between. Not a drop where she fell and spun around

That's not good.
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Re: Iron will broadhead

Postby Elkhntr08 » 10 24, 2018 •  [Post 31]

Here’s the “blood trail “.
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Re: Iron will broadhead

Postby BrentLaBere » 10 25, 2018 •  [Post 32]

Keep us posted on the warranty. I shoot a similar head and the warranty is amazing on them.
Bought an iron will but never got to test it out yet. Hard to change something when it isnt broken. I havent been impressed with this type of design and the blood trail. Only draw back besides being loud. the non vented would be the way to go IMO
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Re: Iron will broadhead

Postby Roosiebull » 10 30, 2018 •  [Post 33]

Elkhntr08 wrote:Not very happy at this point. A 15 yard shot on a WT doe and the tip is bent.
We’ll see how good the warranty is.

looks like it went through the deer and into the ground and maybe hit a rock? it could be a lot worse, here is a head I shot at a bull this year, if I had an iron will on I am 99% sure that bull would have been very dead, very fast
broken head.jpg
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Re: Iron will broadhead

Postby Elkhntr08 » 10 30, 2018 •  [Post 34]

You can send Mike a picture and he’ll have a new head on the way. Doesn’t help with loosing a bull.
I’m not giving up on them. Sending the damaged head back in.
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Re: Iron will broadhead

Postby Fridaythe13th » 10 30, 2018 •  [Post 35]

Roosiebull wrote:looks like it went through the deer and into the ground and maybe hit a rock? it could be a lot worse, here is a head I shot at a bull this year, if I had an iron will on I am 99% sure that bull would have been very dead, very fast

What kind of broadhead is that????

All you have to do is send in a picture and a new one is in the mail?? Great customer service.
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Re: Iron will broadhead

Postby Elkhntr08 » 10 31, 2018 •  [Post 36]

Fridaythe13th wrote:
Roosiebull wrote:looks like it went through the deer and into the ground and maybe hit a rock? it could be a lot worse, here is a head I shot at a bull this year, if I had an iron will on I am 99% sure that bull would have been very dead, very fast

What kind of broadhead is that????

All you have to do is send in a picture and a new one is in the mail?? Great customer service.

Magnus. Mike has the best CS out there, hands down.
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Re: Iron will broadhead

Postby Fridaythe13th » 11 01, 2018 •  [Post 37]

If your on the fence on buy iron will scheels has them on sale $79.99 free shiping. The sale might be over
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Re: Iron will broadhead

Postby longbowelk » 11 03, 2018 •  [Post 38]

For those that are sharpening challenged, RMSGear.com will sharpen broadheads for you. I also like to use the TuffHead and ahve been able to put a sharp edge on it pretty easy.
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Re: Iron will broadhead

Postby Roosiebull » 11 03, 2018 •  [Post 39]

Elkhntr08 wrote:
Fridaythe13th wrote:
Roosiebull wrote:looks like it went through the deer and into the ground and maybe hit a rock? it could be a lot worse, here is a head I shot at a bull this year, if I had an iron will on I am 99% sure that bull would have been very dead, very fast

What kind of broadhead is that????

All you have to do is send in a picture and a new one is in the mail?? Great customer service.

Magnus. Mike has the best CS out there, hands down.

best warranty hands down, and Mike is a really good dude.

the only issue in my case is I don't want any more of those heads, I know I could get all 3 I put in elk replaced (shot the bull I killed twice) there is something about the 150's that isn't a great design, and I will never shoot a split ferrule head again, unless it's super beefed up.

I really do hope magnus designs a head that suits me better, I really enjoy supporting a business like his, but as it is, for now, I will be shooting a different head, I need to be confident in my setup.

will be doing some testing, but I think Kudu will be my head of choice in the future, if they don't hold up I will be shooting iron will or cutthroat, possible grizzly stik massai in 200gr
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Re: Iron will broadhead

Postby ElkNut1 » 11 04, 2018 •  [Post 40]

Be careful choosing the Kudu head, it has a habit of glancing off a rib & sliding along the inside of the hide instead of following a straight penetrating direction!

The Iron Will is the better choice! We took 2 bulls with it this year & no penetration issues.

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Re: Iron will broadhead

Postby Fridaythe13th » 11 04, 2018 •  [Post 41]

Fridaythe13th wrote:If your on the fence on buy iron will scheels has them on sale $79.99 free shiping. The sale might be over

I ordered iron will fron Scheels it was my 1ft online purchase from them, wow it was fast I put the order in on Thursday afternoon my broadheads were there on Saturday morning.
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Re: Iron will broadhead

Postby Roosiebull » 11 04, 2018 •  [Post 42]

ElkNut1 wrote:Be careful choosing the Kudu head, it has a habit of glancing off a rib & sliding along the inside of the hide instead of following a straight penetrating direction!

The Iron Will is the better choice! We took 2 bulls with it this year & no penetration issues.


I had not heard that, the design seems it would be one of the best heads for following the path that it starts. they seem they would have the "pilot hole" effect. I do like the iron will a bunch, but I cannot see the kudu deflecting more than about ANY head made, a small tip with a single bevel, insanely sharp seems it wouldn't get deflected more than others, seems like iron will would have a better chance at deflecting by design.

I beat up some 150's this summer and didn't see any red flags at all, steep angle shot on a big dry root from a spruce tree, it buried all the way, and still shaved when I dug it out. I will absolutely test the steep angle more in less forgiving mediums than an elk, maybe an oak round or something to really test deflection vs some iron wills I have laying around, and probably some cutthroats
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Re: Iron will broadhead

Postby ElkNut1 » 11 04, 2018 •  [Post 43]

I didn't realize there was an issue with them either? The cameraman (Nick) on the Vets hunt we did had just gotten back from his OR elk hunt & was telling us his story with his Kudu heads. Said he shot a bull at around 30 yards I believe, he said it was a good shot behind the shoulder, he figured the bull was toast. Upon tracking it he found it still well alive & put a 2nd arrow into it. Upon autopsy he found the first arrow hit a rib & skidded alongside the inside of the ribcage, not a deadly shot like he had thought, good thing he was able to catch up & put a finishing arrow into him.

swveral days later his buddy shooting the same head had a similar experience, it ended up taking several arrows to finish the bull off.

Go to some major forums & ask about the head & see if others are experiencing this? I know from his stories I'd never consider them, no need to take chances when there''s so many good heads to choose from! Good luck!

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Re: Iron will broadhead

Postby Elkhntr08 » 11 19, 2018 •  [Post 44]

Well guys, the update on my bent-broke V100 head. Started the return process about a week ago. Filled out the form for the RA number and they ask for a couple of pictures. Sent the pictures and today I received a new main blade and screw in the mail.
I’m done complaining. The head flies perfect, puts game down and a pretty darn good warranty.
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Re: Iron will broadhead

Postby Fridaythe13th » 11 20, 2018 •  [Post 45]

Elkhntr08 wrote:Well guys, the update on my bent-broke V100 head. Started the return process about a week ago. Filled out the form for the RA number and they ask for a couple of pictures. Sent the pictures and today I received a new main blade and screw in the mail.
I’m done complaining. The head flies perfect, puts game down and a pretty darn good warranty.

I'm glad the hear that, because I order 6 for next year elk season.
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